Phone calls might be dying but they're still alive at work

Phone calls might be dying but they're still alive at work


Here's how etiquette experts say you should handle these

(Web Desk) - In the age of text messages, emails, and Slack pings, talking on the phone can feel like a more personal — and potentially intrusive — act than it did in previous decades.

But even as phone calls fall out of favor in our personal lives, they're not extinct in a work setting. Etiquette experts say phone calls are still necessary in the office — there's just a certain time and place for them.

Insider spoke to two experts about the state of work-related phone calls in 2023.

Some younger people's trepidation about making voice calls comes as social skills are suffering in the wake of the pandemic. Young professionals are taking classes to learn how to relate to coworkers and write emails after spending their last years of college on Zoom.

Meanwhile, Lisa Grotts, a 23-year etiquette coaching veteran, told Insider that hand-held technology, like the smartphone, has obviously shaken up communication over the last couple decades.

"The hardline has been replaced by the mobile phone and because of it you can talk anywhere, anyplace, anytime — which equals less boundaries everywhere," she said.

As a result, workers — specifically younger ones — prefer instantaneous texting over lengthy phone calls or emails.

"Texting and emailing are convenient for quick exchanges and documentation, but work calls are still important for certain situations, like complex discussions, sensitive matters, or when a real-time conversation is more efficient," Grotts told Insider.

As for a warning text before calling someone, Grotts says it's on you to try to understand your colleagues' preferred communication styles. If you're not sure, sending a text beforehand is a safe place to start.

"It's all about their personal communication style," Grotts said. "It's not a bad idea to text someone and ask if it's a good time to contact them via phone."

Kraig Kleeman, founder and CEO of The New Workforce, has 12 years of experience coaching workers on telephone communication. While texting is efficient, some conversations require the "personal touch" of a phone call, he said.

"It offers something unique that text messages can't replace," Kleeman said. "While we love our digital tools, voice calls help us connect, clear things up, and communicate effectively in a world that's becoming increasingly digital."

They're best saved for critical information, crisis management, accessibility for those who might struggle with written correspondence, and building a connection, Kleeman contends.

"Even though you can't see the other person, you can still pick up on non-verbal stuff, like pauses, laughter, or sighs. These cues help you understand what's going on," Kleeman told Insider.